This post takes me back to the marvelous introduction to all you posts:

Agua, aire y tierra. Tres elementos que se pueden contaminar.

Fuego. El único con el poder de transmutar sin contaminarse.

El fuego que llevo dentro, es un espacio que te invita a avivar las llamas para poder encender tu luz interior y seguir el deseo de tu corazón.

It is amazing to me that you have comprehended the primacy of fire. All elements come from fire/light. That we are the dusty remains of exploded stars we have known for a while. That these stellar nurseries provide water for the raising of planets is something we have only recently seen confirmed by the James Webb telescope.

The idea of baptism is to symbolize being brought to life, by water as upon it all life depends, but also by fire. Since physical burning would not be reasonable, clearly, this points to a spiritual meaning--the heat, the light, the burning of veils, the purification. Ultimately, fire is love, and thus life, beyond the constraints of materiality. As you say, only fire has the power of transmutation free of contamination.

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Thank you so much for this beautiful reflection, Dawn. Your words always strike a deep chord with me. I love how you connect the cosmic with the spiritual, especially the idea of fire as both a force of transformation and love. I hadn’t considered the connection between the stars and the elements in such depth, but the way you tied it all together is truly enlightening. Your insights always make me reflect more deeply, and I’m so grateful for your friendship and the wisdom you share.

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